131.无法超越的灵魂音乐 (乱红) - 纯音乐

Usage of the Internet is becoming more common due to rapid advancement of technology and the power of globalization.

130.珍爱时光 (The Moment) - Kenny G

Usage of the Internet is becoming more common due to rapid advancement of technology and the power of globalization.

129.醉人的钢琴声- 纯音乐

Usage of the Internet is becoming more common due to rapid advancement of technology and the power of globalization.

128.君生我未生 (我生君已老) - 纯音乐

Usage of the Internet is becoming more common due to rapid advancement of technology and the power of globalization.

127.Moon River 月亮河

Usage of the Internet is becoming more common due to rapid advancement of technology and the power of globalization.

126.罗多伦咖啡店 - 纯音乐

Usage of the Internet is becoming more common due to rapid advancement of technology and the power of globalization.

125.青空下的约定 - 伊藤贤治

Usage of the Internet is becoming more common due to rapid advancement of technology and the power of globalization.

124.在我心中的夏天 - 纯音乐

Usage of the Internet is becoming more common due to rapid advancement of technology and the power of globalization.

123.好听古典音乐 - 纯音乐

Usage of the Internet is becoming more common due to rapid advancement of technology and the power of globalization.

122.印度琵琶之魂 - 缪晓铮

Usage of the Internet is becoming more common due to rapid advancement of technology and the power of globalization.

121.一起走过的日子 - 古筝

Usage of the Internet is becoming more common due to rapid advancement of technology and the power of globalization.

120.往事 Ride On - Phil Coulter

Usage of the Internet is becoming more common due to rapid advancement of technology and the power of globalization.

119.雨的旋律 (中西器乐合璧) - 古筝

Usage of the Internet is becoming more common due to rapid advancement of technology and the power of globalization.

118.幽灵公主 - 轻音乐

Usage of the Internet is becoming more common due to rapid advancement of technology and the power of globalization.

117.风的誓言 (風の誓い) - 梁邦彦

Usage of the Internet is becoming more common due to rapid advancement of technology and the power of globalization.

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