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ice cream

it’s a great day for ice cream!

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ice cream

it’s a great day for ice cream!

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ice cream

it’s a great day for ice cream!

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Music List

My Favorite Music

Music List

NO. 131
131.无法超越的灵魂音乐 (乱红) - 纯音乐

Share the most beautiful selected music.

Music List

NO. 130
130.珍爱时光 (The Moment) - Kenny G

Share the most beautiful selected music.

Music List

NO. 129
129.醉人的钢琴声- 纯音乐

Share the most beautiful selected music.

Music List

NO. 128
128.君生我未生 (我生君已老) - 纯音乐

Share the most beautiful selected music.

Music List

NO. 127
127.Moon River 月亮河

Share the most beautiful selected music.

Music List

NO. 126
126.罗多伦咖啡店 - 纯音乐

Share the most beautiful selected music.

Music List

NO. 125
125.青空下的约定 - 伊藤贤治

Share the most beautiful selected music.

Music List

NO. 124
124.在我心中的夏天 - 纯音乐

Share the most beautiful selected music.

Music List

NO. 123
123.好听古典音乐 - 纯音乐

Share the most beautiful selected music.

Music List

NO. 122
122.印度琵琶之魂 - 缪晓铮

Share the most beautiful selected music.

Music List

NO. 121
121.一起走过的日子 - 古筝

Share the most beautiful selected music.

Music List

NO. 120
120.往事 Ride On - Phil Coulter

Share the most beautiful selected music.

Music List

NO. 119
119.雨的旋律 (中西器乐合璧) - 古筝

Share the most beautiful selected music.

Music List

NO. 118
118.幽灵公主 - 轻音乐

Share the most beautiful selected music.

Music List

NO. 117
117.风的誓言 (風の誓い) - 梁邦彦

Share the most beautiful selected music.

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